Fall 2021: Math 1553 (Intro to Linear Algebra)

Last updated: 6 Dec 2021

*Georgia Tech no longer uses BlueJeans and so the videos linked below no longer work.


This fall I am teaching Math 1553, Intro to Linear Algebra, Section J.

My office hours are Tues 4-5p and Wed, Thur 11a-12p.  For everyone’s safety my office hours are virtual.  See the Canvas Announcements for the BlueJeans link.  You can also email me at wheeler at math dot gatech dot edu.

Most of the course materials are on Canvas, except for the lecture videos, which are posted here (you must be a member of the Georgia Tech organization to be able to view them):

Mon 6 Dec (final exam review)

Wed 1 Dec (6.5: Least squares problems) (recorded at home Thurs 2 Dec 2021)

Mon 29 Nov (6.3: Orthogonal projection)

Mon 22 Nov (6.2: Orthogonal complements)

Wed 17 Nov (6.1: Dot products and orthogonality)

Mon 15 Nov (5.6: Stochastic matrices (and Google!))

Wed 10 Nov (5.5: Complex eigenvalues)

Mon 8 Nov (5.4: Diagonalization)

Notes from Wed 3 Nov (5.2: The characteristic polynomial)

Mon 1 Nov (5.1: Eigenvectors and eigenvalues)

Wed 27 Oct (4.2: Cofactor expansions)

Mon 25 Oct (4.1: The definition of the determinant, 4.3: The determinant and volumes)

Wed 20 Oct (3.6: The invertible matrix theorem)

Mon 18 Oct (3.5: Matrix inverses)

Wed 13 Oct (3.4: Matrix multiplication)

Wed 6 Oct (3.3: Linear transformations)

Mon 4 Oct (3.2: One-to-one and onto transformations)

Wed 29 Sep (3.1: Linear transformations and matrix algebra)

Mon 27 Sep (2.7: Bases, 2.9: The rank theorem)

Wed 22 Sep (2.6: Subspaces)

Mon 20 Sep (2.5: Linear independence)

Wed 15 Sep (2.4: Solution sets)

Mon 13 Sep (2.3: Matrix equations)

Wed 8 Sep (2.1: Systems of linear equations: geometry, 2.2: Vector equations and spans)

Wed 1 Sep (1.3: Parametric form)

Mon 30 Aug (1.2: Row reduction)

Wed 25 Aug (1.1: Solving systems of equations)

Mon 23 Aug (Syllabus & overview of the course)